L’évaluation en didactique de la traduction : un état des lieux Didactic assessment in translation: a comprehensive update
Philippe Gardy
Université Laval in Québec
Though didactic assessment constitutes a prominent concern for students, little has been said in Translation Studies literature about it. For instance, this area has not been studied in French-speaking Canada, whether among teachers or students. The objective of this article is to present an up-to-date snapshot of didactic assessment in translation, in a context that has been deeply modified over the last decades due to the now massive presence of technology. The data consist of 389 responses by teachers and students from eight Canadian universities, either through semi-directive interviews or an online questionnaire.
According to the findings of the study, the assessment methods currently used have not significantly evolved over the last decades, despite the considerable changes the profession has undergone. These methods are used in an almost monolithic way, independent of the progress of students in their course of study. Since assessment is considered an integral part of the teaching and learning processes, any attempt to rethink the didactic assessment methodology cannot be done without a concomitant reflection on teaching approaches.
Assessment, summative assessment, formative assessment, translator training, stress.